When they are racing with other horses
Either the horse runs at a very fast speed and takes the owner from one place to another very quickly. The horse usually participates in a race there and the fastest reaches midnight and reaches the destination first. Prizes are distributed. The owner started the race and took the first one to the race place for the race and came forward to participate in the race and the owner of the dog was whipping and whipping his dog to run the fastest. As a result of beating, the horse’s eggs started to run faster. When the horse thought, why was the owner whipping me so hard?
started thinking and the owner started whipping him thus with more whipping the horse started to run fast and the first one went fast i.e. that horse then participated as winner in this game and got the prize. This is how Allah Almighty has given us the difference between the world and the poor, that is, what kind of person remembers Me and belongs to Me again and performs my prayers and Kalam, that is, He can give everything and take everything away if He wants. Allah has sent us to the world as a test and has made a distinction between the world and the poor.
And Allah loves the poor people more and Allah will send him to Jannah first and he will be the most pulsirat in the form of electricity. Allah Ta’ala will grant him Jannah in the Hereafter, that is, Malik has made us and the poor, so we must submit to the will of Malik. Allah’s rules and ideals must be followed