Mustard oil is cultivated in countless quantities. Mustard is the mustard flowe
Mustard oil is produced from the mustard seed is secreted. After the secreting is completed, the mustard plant flowers within fifty days from the country. From the yellow colored flowers, the time from 70 to 18 days is gradually increased. After collecting and seeing if they produce oil, I hope to clean them well before extracting the oil with the help of a machine, then put them in a container and then put them inside the machine like a blender machine.
It is possible to produce about 25 kg to 26 kg or 22 kg of oil. All the oil producing companies have set up small mills and they sell all the oils in different ways. It is possible to produce number one pure pitta mustard oil which is very useful for us. Oil we need to eat and with mustard oil various saris can be cooked with mustard oil body massage with mustard oil or benefits or demand of mustard oil obscene incomparable production is now decreasing due to which farmers have to force more. Mustard oil is basically in small form and has small shape, so we collect many pictures from 100 in this group and then it is extracted with the help of machine to meet our needs and
The oil is extracted and spread abroad in different countries. Today it is more expensive. Is it 200 to 300 rupees? Mustard oil was sold at a very low price at one time. Mustard oil is not produced as it used to be and many people do not want to do it because the risk of profit is less but the situation is increasing the price of mustard due to which the farmers are now present.