- One day a school student started his exam to give an exam
I left the house to take the exam, when he started to take the exam, he was happy when he saw the exam question paper, everything he had read suddenly fell apart and he was happy to answer all the questions that this boy had studied. done and he very happily writes the answers to all the questions he comes back to it very quickly and who is the brother of friendship I have never given an exam like today in my life i.e. I wrote my father studied all the answers and I think I passed with the highest marks will do and there is no way for me to fail I will pass with good marks like this time my friends dear are happy and after some time the boy’s exam results started he saw that he actually failed
The boy started shouting and said I have done the exam so well then how come my khata cell came and actually he didn’t fail i.e. he forgot to write his name in the answer of his exam questions and as a result he was given number points because he didn’t have his name even when he appeared. No, that is, it has been declared that just like us, if we cannot come to the path of Islam, that is, if we cannot walk in the Sunnah of the Messenger of the Prophet, none of us will be able to recognize us during that hard time, and if we do, Allah will punish us severely. And will arrest us under the heat of the hard sun and make us laugh
Nasr will be performed, so smile before performing Nasr, we will do good deeds in the world and try to walk in the path of Hazrat Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. May we try to do like our Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam spent his life in the world, Ameen
And will arrest us under the heat of the hard sun and make us laugh