A long time ago and in ancient times there was an event when one man was another
was selling house to people and to sell house take house money to owner person ie person bought house that person gave lot of money to owner of house and all his houses thus he owner of that house left that house and person who bought that house The person went to live in that house. Many days passed. Many nights passed. Suddenly, one day he started digging under the house. Suspiciously, there was a pitcher full of gold coins under the ground. Seeing this pitcher full of gold coins, the man who bought it was the owner of the house sleeping. He read and thought that I have only bought this load, then I have not paid the price of this college, then I have given the money to the owner of that house, meaning the previous owner.
The man picked up the earthen jar by himself and then he walked a long way and went to the owner of the previous bar with the jar in his hand and there were many gold coins in it. Then he went to that house and found the owner of that house. If you have not bought the filled gold coins, then you can pay the gold coins at that rate, you can see that you are the owner of that house, I have given it to you, that means everything in that house is yours, that is, everything that will be in this house is yours. And he can’t say anything about how he came back home with a house owner. It was a long time ago and once there was so much cultivated honesty inside people and people were very religious and believing. In your time there was no faith among us ie false and sinful sinners. Banda has fallen people or present
We live in this country, there is no specific answer to the right path of any person, no one’s speech is correct, that is, everyone speaks lies, so we should all come together to speak the truth, that is, speak the truth. Always love and make them dwellers in Paradise in the Hereafter