One day an angel stood in front of a servant
And the angel said to the servant, I am very happy with you, I will give you whatever you want. Then the angel said to the man, I will give it to him. Then the man said, “Okay, then. But here is another thing.” Pabi means your neighbor Dwigood Pabi than you the man said ok then ok and then the man said i need a sack of gold coins and then gave him a sack of asylum papers but on the other hand his neighbor has two sacks of asylum papers and gave next read give me a mercedes car Then the next door neighbor got two varsity cars he said I need a Alishan mahal then gave him mahal and the other two mahal Alisha mahal provided yes bro
One day his neighbor had more wealth than him and one day he said to the angel, blind me in one eye, the angel was shocked to hear this and destroyed one of his eyes and the other neighbor destroyed his two eyes. Lack of superstition inside, lack of closeness to Allah, lack of worship, lack of love, therefore, in the current situation in human society, one person cannot be good with another, that is, he wants to do it again. Let me also be good, that is, do not pray for yourself, pray for others, Allah will see you, that prayer is for you
This is the life of man, life is the true life of God Almighty. The person who prays for others and gives Tawfik to be good, i.e. wants to reach God, that person is loved by God Almighty, and the person who accepts the invitation of other people in addition to performing the five daily prayers, i.e. the worship of God. Is that person who speaks the word of dawa to do Allah Ta’ala more like and happy Allah Ta’ala will make him a dweller of Paradise in the high Makbir in the Hereafter Allah Ta’ala will give him a lot of honor and the right hand of the angels allowing him to enter Jannah.